Rally classes
8:30-10:00 - Advance
10:00-10:45 - Novice
7:00-7:30 - Advance
7:30-8:30 - Novice
Please note, some class times have changed. Please familiarise yourself with the times shown above.
Class names have also been simplified to make the path of progression clearer to all.
MEMBERSHIPS: If you did not renew your membership at the end of last year, please make sure to do so ASAP upon our return to training.
Make sure to wear your current membership badge to class (you should have a yellow dot), bring some soft treats for your dog and bring your $2 or training fee card to class.
See you Sunday!
Please visit the Club's YouTube channel for help with your training by clicking the link below:
Copyright 2013 Noarlunga City Obedience Dog Club Inc